Modern Money Mechanics

Let’s take a simple look at the history of money and ‘slavery debt’, how it replaced the tangible asset of gold and how the bankers used a combination of simple mathematical formulas to make money out of thin air. Here you can learn how bankers created covert partnerships to take advantage of peoples’ ignorance of contractual jargon through the deliberate dissemination of propaganda. Such was the strategy for building their slavery system.

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. – Henry Ford

Now with the ‘removing of the veil,’ the puppet masters or The Powers That Were, are no longer are.


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Modern Money Mechanics

OPPT Definitions

by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

Source = First Source of all that IS, also known as Creator, Universal Father, God, Allah, Yahweh, and any other title, label or limitation given to First Source by the creations of First Source.

Co-Creator = Eternal Heart created by and from Source, BE’ing.

Universal Contract = Agreement by and between Co-Creator, Eternal Heart, and Source to experience separation, or otherwise contrasts of the whole, Absolute, Source.

Bondservant = Temporary Designation of Co-Creator, Eternal Heart as party to a Universal Contract with Source.

State of Body = the Co-Creator’s chosen manifestation, vehicle, transmitting utility, created to carry out the terms and conditions of the Universal Contract.

CVAC = creation’s value asset centers and each BE’ing in Source’s Universe is a CVAC, individually and equally to all others, with each CVAC granted and guaranteed the right to BE and DO what they BE by their free will choice and the opportunity to exercise that right without prejudice and without damage to any other CVAC, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128325.

CVAC SYSTEM (registered as “GOVERNMENT”) = a stationary and consistent planetary system to provide assistance without prejudice to any CVAC in their BE’ing and DO’ing what they BE, but only providing assistance to the CVAC when and in the manner the CVAC chooses by their free will, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128324.

CVAC BRANCH = a local stationary BRANCH of the CVAC SYSTEM that can provide customized assistance (language, cultural, etc.) immediately without prejudice to any CVAC that asks for assistance, but only providing assistance to the CVAC when and in the manner the CVAC chooses by their free will, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128325.

CVAC SYSTEM’S (registered as “GOVERNMENT”) SYSTEMS OF ASSISTANCE = systems of assistance that PAY focused ATTENTION to specific areas, such as treasury, technology, education, health, and other areas, in order to bring the Absolute Data of that specific area on to the table of Transparency for the sole purpose of assisting any CVAC so that any CVAC has the opportunity to make informed choices by their free will. Each of the focused and specific areas work transparently and interdependently to bring forth Absolute Data and to give assistance to any CVAC as the CVAC chooses by their free will, UILO UCC Doc. No. 2012128324/2012128325.

UILO = UNIVERSAL and INTERNATIONAL LAW ORDINANCE, a part and sub-section of LAW ORDINANCE and its records, that are issued by Co-Creators with full responsibility and under full liability of the Co-Creator that issues it… Universal Law Ordinance is noticed by action or inaction while International Law Ordinance, inclusive of its National, and State departments, is noticed by public registration.

The Slavery System

Whether we realized it or not, until recently, we were all ‘legally’ debt or ‘labor’ slaves, as were our parents, our grandparents and great grandparents before us.

Since 1933 every new child born was required to be ‘registered’, thereby creating a Corporate Person, effectively denying that child any rights as an owner of Real Property.

The act of registering a child contracted them as chattel, and the birth record was a deceptive legal way of getting the parents to sign the baby away. The birth record was in fact a promissory note that was converted into a slave bond, which was then sold to a private reserve bank effectively giving ownership of the child to the bank.

Each new baby’s contract was sealed by either a drop of their blood or by an ink impression of their foot onto the birth record. This ‘signature’ was used to create their lifetime value, evidenced by their labor and the taxes and costs of that labor as monetized currency – all designed to keep people in servitude for their entire lifetime.

The banks have been the modern slave owners and as the saying goes, “He who owns the debt owns the people.” The way the Slavery System was imposed on us meant that even if we did end up paying off our house or our car, we never actually owned it, because our right to any Real Property ownership was given away at the registration of our birth.

This has been legal process since 1540 via something called a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, and this was still in effect until the recent UCC Rulings changed the legal landscape and reinstated the un-rebuttable fact that no-one can own our ‘selves or own our bodies.

The slavery system remained intact for so long because of educational doctrines, the influence of our community at large and because so many people accepted and embraced their slavery by waiting for others to help them or to tell them what they should/could or should/could not do. Enforcers like the police and courts made sure we stayed within the slavery system and incarcerated us if we chose to live as FREE individuals.

In fact, the slavery system was imposed on us all (and maintained for centuries) by building walls in our minds through propaganda and conditioning, creating the false belief that we did not deserve better, that we were not part of a greater plan and that we should instead be happy with the handouts, crumbs and ‘indulgences’ given to us by the Powers That Were (PTW), while the system itself reaped in millions of dollars every year, directly from the sweat and blood of our labor.

But no more. Now you are FREE.


In The News… The Veil Being Removed

Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud by Peter Allen, London Evening Standard, 23 May 2013
The head of the International Monetary Fund arrived in the dock of a Paris courtroom today as she braced herself to be formally charged with embezzlement and fraud.
Christine Lagarde’s humiliation is not only a massive personal blow which could lead to her resignation, but one which will plunge the world’s banking system into further ignominy.
The clearly nervous 57-year-old said nothing to reporters as she entered the Court of Justice of the Republic, a special tribunal set up to judge the conduct of France’s government ministers, shortly after 8.30am.
Lagarde faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail if found guilty of the very serious charges. It was when she was President Nicolas Sarkozy’s finance minister that she is said to have authorised a 270 million pounds payout to one of his prominent supporters, so abusing her government position. Read full article…


Former President of The World Bank Makes Stunning Confession

The former President of The World Bank, James Wolfensohn, makes stunning confessions as he addresses graduate students at Stanford University. He reveals the inside hand of world domination from past, to present and into the future. The speech was made January 11, 2010. The first video to the right is an excerpt of the full speech. When watching the first video one might say the next 19 minutes may open your mind to a very deliberate world.

Wolfensohn tells the grad students what’s coming, “A Tectonic Shift” in wealth from the West to the East. Wolfensohn claimed that in the next 40 years, a global power shift will see today’s leading economic countries drop from having 80% of the world’s income to 35%.
But he doesn’t tell the students that his institution, The World Bank, is directing and channeling these changes.
Wolfensohn’s own investment firm is in China, poised to profit from this “Imminent Shift” in Global wealth
The full speech that James Wolfensohn, makes stunning addressing graduate students at Stanford University is the second video far right.


Former World Bank President: Big Shift Coming
History of Banking

Let’s take a simple look at the history of money and ‘slavery debt’, how it replaced the tangible asset of gold and how the bankers used a combination of simple mathematical formulas to make money out of thin air. “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford
Now with the ‘removing of the veil,’ the puppet masters or The Powers That Were, are no longer are.
AND IT IS SO Read more

Modern Money Mechanics

The purpose of this booklet is to describe the basic process of money creation in a”fractional reserve” banking system.
The approach taken illustrates the changes in bank balance sheets that occur when deposits in banks change as a result of monetary action by the Federal Reserve System – the central bank of the United States. herelationships shown are based on simplifying assumptions. For the sake of simplicity,the relationships are shown as if they were mechanical, but they are not, as is described later in the booklet.
Thus, they should not be interpreted to imply a close and predictable relationship between a specific central bank transaction and the quantity of money. Read more

OPPT Initial Investigation: The Paradigm Report

The ‘Paradigm Report’ came about as a result of many years of research and investigation into the globalized practice of using private money (the labor money for the world’s citizens, collected through taxes, bank fees, fines and a multitude of other methods) to fund the growth of the global banking system that is controlled by a handful of transnational elite families and groups. In essence, the reverse of ‘Robin Hood’.

The investigation was carried out over two years by a small group of international banking attorneys who discovered some anomalies within the mortgage industry and began to look into the history, practices and consequences of the fraud, not just locally, but globally and the impact this unchecked activity had wrought on all people on earth.

The results of the investigation were clear, conclusive and in fact, frightening: The global judicial system is corrupt, and supported and encouraged by the private banking system; and the global ‘law enforcement’ system has developed the habit of turning a ‘blind eye’ to the actions of corporate criminals due to lack of clear direction, proper ‘orders’ and relevant support.

The full Paradigm Report is presented below:

The Paradigm Report

“Really we were asking can the private system be saved? Is it worth saving? and the answer is no, it could not be saved. And why put energy into something that cannot be saved?”

~ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf on how the Paradigm Report came to be

Excerpts from The Paradigm Report:

1. The judicial house (system) is corrupt through its elite and privileged mentality and profit making, ordered, fostered and encouraged by the private banking system, filtered and maintained by the bar.

2. Law enforcement is an order taker, and generally speaking, they turn a blind eye to the crimes their “superiors” are committing. Law enforcement is not corrupt in general terms, and they see what is happening, they just need support, and orders, to re-ignite their stamina and courage to enforce true justice.

Click the link below to read full report.

 Paradigm Report

118067922 Paradigm Document From the Treasury Finance Ag Industriestrasse 21 Ch 6055alpnach Dorf Switzerlan…




The prominent and therapeutic effects of molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) are emerging to the forefront of scientific research. Humans are continuously fighting the battle against cardiovascular disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, diabetes, osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and many more.

The search for a simple method to prevent all such ailments, and in short to halt the aging process and even reverse it to youth, is not a new concept. This idea seems to be prevalent throughout the history of mankind, including the writings of Herodotus about the Fountain of Youth.1

The more  research that accumulates about molecular hydrogen, the more it appears to have the sought after properties of the Fountain of Youth.  A 2010 quality review article2 on molecular hydrogen, published in Free Radical Research, stated:


“It is not an overstatement to say that hydrogen’s impact on therapeutic and preventive medicine could be enormous in the future.”


Since that review article, over 400 additional articles have been published substantiating that declaration. Currently about 150 different disease models have been studied, in which molecular hydrogen appears to exert a beneficial effect (including the ones listed above).


The medicinal properties of molecular hydrogen appear to be promoted as early as 1798.3 Many years later in 1975,  the departments of Biology and Chemistry from the prestigious Baylor University and Texas A&M published a great article on the potential use of molecular hydrogen in medicine in the premier peer-reviewed journal of Science4. However, it wasn’t until 2007, when an article was published in Nature Medicine,5 which showed the selective antioxidant properties and antiapoptotic (anti-cell death) activity of molecular hydrogen, that the biomedical field took strong interest in hydrogen’s therapeutic potential. Prior to 2007, only 50 articles were published regarding hydrogen as a medical gas, compared to over 500 articles within the past seven years.  Perhaps the main reason why it is only recently that molecular hydrogen is being recognized as a therapeutic molecule is because of scientific skepticism. It is difficult to believe diatomic molecular hydrogen could have any therapeutic effects because it is generally considered to be an inert gas.6,7



Molecular hydrogen is the smallest element and lightest molecule. There are three main properties that explain hydrogen’s therapeutic effects.

  1. Molecular hydrogen can easily diffuse into the subcellular compartments and   scavengecytotoxic oxygen radicals,5 thus protecting the DNA, RNA and proteins from oxidative stress.8
  2. Molecular hydrogen also triggers the activation or upregulation of additional antioxidant enzymes (e.g. glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc.) and/or cytoprotective proteins of the body.9
  3. Molecular hydrogen may be a novel-signaling molecule that can alter cell signaling,10 cell metabolism11 and gene expression.12 This gives the anti-inflammatory effects, anti-allergic effects, and anti-apoptotic (or anti-cell death) effects.13



It has also been discovered that the documented “healing” or “curative” waters of Nordenau, Germany; Tlacote, Mexico; and Hita Tenryosui, Japan waters contain dissolved hydrogen gas. 14-16 The existence of molecular hydrogen in these springs could be a result of water reacting with alkali-earth metals, or from molecular hydrogen gas-producing bacteria and algae.17


Some of the bacteria in our intestinal tract produce hydrogen gas from non-digestible fibers,18 which is perhaps another reason why a diet rich in fiber reduces inflammation19 and has cardiovascular20 and other health benefits.21



Hydrogen has an intriguing history. It is the father of all elements of the universe,22 and along with oxygen, it has been intrinsically involved with evolution of life in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes (e.g. hydrogenases, hydrogosomes, mitochondria, etc.). It is the extremes of oxygen and hydrogen that provide balance between oxidation and reduction, which is vital to life. Not surprisingly, this intimate relationship of oxygen and hydrogen has remained with higher organisms including plants,23 animals, and humans.  However, until recently, research has only focused on the importance and toxicity of oxygen dismissing the role of hydrogen altogether, which negates the toxicity of oxygen24—focusing only on one side of this Yin and Yang type relationship.

We are actively working on discovering the actual molecular mechanisms and primary targets of hydrogen gas. More in vitro data is what is needed to fully demonstrate and understand the therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen.

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Why are the Pyramids not mentioned in the Bible?

Ashraf Ezzat

“What if the whole story of the Exodus from Egypt was a fake story, and what if we could prove that it is?”

Exodus Gods and Kings film-5-2

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

There wasn’t a time when I did not feel uneasy about the story of the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt. Actually, uneasy is an understatement, for I was always irritated by this notorious story of Moses and Pharaoh of Egypt. Somehow, this Israelite tale couldn’t seem to fit in the history of ancient Egypt nor in my mind. Unlike most people, I couldn’t take this incredible tale for granted.

Whenever we say ‘the Exodus’ everybody unconsciously and instantly recognizes the story as the fleeing of the Israelites headed by Moses from the grip of Egypt’s ruthless Pharaoh. Thanks to the Church, the Synagogue, the Mosque and of course Hollywood films this Exodus story has sunk deep in the collective subconscious of the masses, so…

View original post 1,274 more words

Taking Responsibility

As I am a witness to this world’s condition, I often find my self wondering what can be done to make it all better. The human condition on Earth is to say the least not well. We are sick and in need of medicine. The medicine that we require does not come from a pharmacist, it comes from with in. As Americans we are a nation that refuses to take responsibility or has become comfortable with zero accountability. From the top of our government to the homeless man on the streets. Some how when ever we get our fingers caught in the cookie jar, we are quick place the blame squarely on some one else. I for one am so tired of hearing people place the blame for their actions or inactions on others. We fail to raise our children, and then blame the child. We fail to educated ourselves and blame society. And to my ‘African American’ siblings there is a whole lot of blame that we can place on the ‘White Man’ but ignorance is no longer one of those things. To my sisters, stop blaming the man for not ‘being shit’ you’re his mother, so where does the real problem lie? Also Sisters stop building your future on the foundation of hurt from the past. To my men I say stop spreading your seed like butter on the bread of life with crazy, emotionally unstable pussy then blaming the women for your condition. To all my human siblings on Planet Earth, individual responsibility! Stop pointing out everyone else’s bullshit and for once take a good hard look at your own. Because the truth of the matter is simply this; you can not change anyone, the only person you can ever hope to change is self! Know this and stop pointing your fingers at everyone else.

Jesus said it best:

Mathew 7:
Don’t Criticize and then you won’t be criticized. For others will treat you as you treat them. And why worry about a speck in the eye of a brother when you have a board in your own? Should you say, Friend, let me help you get that speck out of your eye, when you can’t even see because of the board in your own? Hypocrite! First get rid of the board. Then you can see to help your brother.

One Love,
Each One Teach One,
Each One Love One,

The Son of Man is Within you!

I would have to admit if asked, that I have always been somewhat naïve. Almost in a Forrest Gump kinda way. I always choose to see the best in people and needless say I am often disappointed. Even today I look for the good in people but sadly I find that most people never look for the good within themselves. I see a spark of The Divine in everyone. And I would like to see people gravitate towards the Divinity within. I came across a quote from the gospel of Mary Magdalene: “When the blessed one had said this, he greeted them all, saying, ‘Peace be with you. Receive my peace to yourselves. Beware that no one lead you astray, saying, ‘Lo here!’ or ‘Lo there!’ For the Son of Man is within you. Follow after him! Those who seek him will find him. Go then and preach the gospel of the kingdom. Do not lay down any rule beyond what I appointed for you, and do not give a law like the lawgiver lest you be constrained by it.’ When he said this, he departed.” – GOSPEL OF MARY
Is that not beautiful? No wonder the Counsel of Nicea excluded the gospel of Mary out of the bible.



war is peace


I have come across a dvd called ‘The Truth’ This dvd depicts the entertainment industry as a bunch of sexually confused, immoral, satanic, devil worshipers. I’ll say this much, I don’t believe Tu Pac was a liar. This information and the way in which it was presented would lead one to believe that the information contained within was true or at least convincing. What it showed me is how easily people can be deceived. How we have been deceived and how this deception will lead to our eventual destruction. With so much misinformation and different agendas floating around, how does one make an informed choice?
Just about everything we think we know is based in deception. The powerful ‘Elite’ control the world and we know not who they are. We know not their agenda. I keep hearing things like ‘NWO’ New World Order and I say that I am all for a New World Order and I am called part of the ‘Illuminati’ or a ‘Zionist’ and I am told from most of the information that I come across that the NWO, Illuminati, and Zionist are all Satanic. WHAT?
I believe in spiritual freedom. I believe that religion has held Humankind in bondage for far too long. Not one religion is free from man’s corruption. Traditions are one thing but religion has done more harm for Humankind than it has good. Take a look at your religious institutions today. Me thinks it is more business than spirituality. What they do is exploit your spirituality for their financial security. This is where the deception begins. Here is where the seeds are planted.
How deep does the rabbit hole go?
We have no idea, since we have been lied to since we got here.
The deception starts believe it or not at conception. From the wound the deception continues. How can that be? We deceive our bodies by the things that we eat. If we eat dead meat, we tell our bodies that we are dying. Can you feel me?

One Love
Each One
Teach One
Each One
Love One